Michael has this new thing. He takes 2 books, hands them to me and says "storytime". Then he calls the cats over to hear Mommy read a story. It's so funny. He NEVER wanted to me read books to him before. NEVER. He has tons of books. For a while he would stim off of them. This is a picture of Michael when he was around 3 yrs old flipping thru the pages of a book
Yesterday, Michael started making piles. He put 2 books on the bed and said "These are for Dr. Imam's office." Then put 2 more on the table "These are for Friday" "These are for Saturday" and so on. This morning he comes into bed with a book and asks me to read. I got thru half of it and he says "we'll finish the rest later". It really is an amazing thing. Not only does he enjoy me reading the books- he reads them too.
Michael reads the "Sam I Am" part of Green Eggs & Ham. And I read the other part "I would not eat them in a house...". I know he picked up this habit from school. They have library and storytime. It just finally clicked.
Also, Thursday we did another round of chelation. Michael did great. He sat fine, was laughing, telling the other kids what to do- typical Michael. He got alittle upset when I couldn't get wireless on the laptop, but there nothing I could do. I guess that is his biggest problem now-a-days- the anxiety.
I had his school meeting Thursday also. We set up everything for the fall, but not the summer. So, i'm meeting with the director of special ed tomorrow. Wish me luck. I hope I get the right placement for Michael. One thing his speech teacher said, which I never heard before-- she said that when Michael is with 2 typical kids in speech, he acts wonderfully. He takes turns, doesn't get in trouble, behaves, etc. I was thinking that is the perfect reason why he needs to go to camp this summer (with typical kids). Let hope it works out.
Also today (a lot going on) we got a urine metal test back. Michael dumped twice as much aluminum as last time. His mecury also went up. I was surprised. It's a good sign- the chelation is working.
Saturday we are going to get the bi-monthly blood work done. I'm not worried about that stuff anymore. He sits so nicely for it.
Ok- it's almost 3am and I should get to bed. Again, we are so happy with the way Michael is progressing. He's the only kid in the school program who is moving up. When he was 2 1/2 and dx with mild-moderate autism, couldn't talk, play, look you in the eye, pay attention, didn't sleep thru the night, etc... I never thought we would be at this point at 7 1/2... Moving up to a 15-1 classroom, going to a typical summer camp, winning MVP of the basketball tournament, singing in concerts, making typical friends, going to Yankee games and rock concerts, etc. It makes me say...
"I do like green eggs and ham!"
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