Parents always talk about how they had "dreams" for their children. Like getting married or playing professional sports. And then when autism hits, the dreams are gone. It's very hard for parents to deal with.
I guess for me, I had a few dreams too. Things I wanted to do with my own children (after babysitting for 20 years). One dream was taking my kid to Yankee Stadium (we did that in August). Another was to take my son to a concert. When I was younger I went to concerts with my older sister and they were so much fun. I always wanted to be that "fun mom" and experience life.
Back in the late 80's, I was a dj at my college radio station and fell in love with a band called They Might Be Giants. Don't even ask me to describe them. They are kinda new wave, popish, alternative, etc. I don't know. You just have to hear them. But, they are fun and silly- which describes Michael. I started playing TMBG's cds after buying tickets to see them. Just like the Yankee Game, I didn't know if we would last 2 min or 2 hours. But, I had to be willing to drive all the way to Brooklyn (2 hr trip) and turn around and go home.
A year ago we had a surprise Birthday Party for my Dad's 70th. We had a dj and percussionist. Michael did NOT like the noise. Most of the party actually he played outside. So, the concert was a total crap shoot.
I tried to prepare Michael- showing him YouTube videos of past TMBG concerts and reminding him everyday of the date. The day before I asked Michael "who are we going to see tomorrow?". He said "my giants". close enough :)
We got to the place about 20 min before the doors opened. Michael stood very nicely online. There were many kids there. Actually, it was a kids show. A benefit for a local school. One of the lead members has a son in that school. I think a lot of people attending the concert were there more for the school then for their love of the band.
Regardless, Michael and I were ready to rock. The band comes out and starts playing- the moment of truth.
MIchael's eyes are wide. He's interested. He puts two and two together. Ohhhh- that's the band on the cd.
We spent the next 90 minutes singing, dancing, clapping our hands. It was great. His favorite song is "Dr. Worm". When the band started playing the song, Michael had the biggest smile. We lasted the whole concert and listened to the band on the way home. I really think he had fun.
I also had the chance to talk to 2 of the band members after the concert. I had Michael go up and say thanks. I told one of the guys how important this concert was- because it was a dream come true!